[Wojtek Gumuła]

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Formatting user-defined types with {fmt} library

2019-03-01 (9 minutes to read)

C++ has two standardized ways of printing formatted text out already: printf-family functions inherited from C and I/O streams abstraction built on operator<<. Streams are considered more modern, providing type-safety and extensibility functionalities. However, printf have some notable advantages, too — at the cost of lost type-safety, user can use an interface that looks familiar to almost all developers, allowing for some ways of localization and more readable syntax. And then, there is {fmt} — yet another text formatting library, inspired by design already available in languages like Python and Rust.

Perhaps it’s just yet another standard to compete but, with an ambition to support most of the advantages of both mentioned methods, and with process of standardization being already in progress, it is worth looking into.

Quick look at {fmt}

{fmt} library is available on Github for quite some time already. It provides API similar to str.format() from Python 3, far closer to printf(...) than std::cout << ... at the first glance. However, it also enforces type-safety and allows for extending to non-standard types, what makes it almost a silver bullet for text formatting in C++.

Based on the mandatory Hello world example, use of the library may look like so:

fmt::print("Hello, {}!\n", name);

{fmt} supports positional arguments, allowing user to manipulate the order in which arguments are used in the message:

std::string message = fmt::format("{1} years ago, {0} was born.", name, age);

Formatting is also possible (well, that is the point, after all). If you want to print a number to the screen and align it to the right with the width of 7 characters, that is the syntax:

fmt::print("The number is {:>7}!\n", number);

Of course, this can become far more perl-y in style. This is a valid format:

fmt::print("The number is {0:.>+#{1}.{2}G}\n", 42.123, 20, 10);

Translating it to human — the zeroth argument (0:) will be aligned to the right (>), with dots filling empty space (.), the sign will be printed out (+) no matter plus or minus, the number will be put in general format (G) unless it is too large, then it will be displayed using exponent notation. Trailing zeros will not be removed because of the alternate form (#). Width and precision are configured by first ({1}) and second ({2}) argument. Fortunately, you can look up the syntax in the official docs.

And the result?

The number is ........+42.12300000

All in all, I suggest not to overcomplicate the syntax on your end unless you want your code to become write-only.

Printing out a custom type

One neat feature of {fmt} is the possibility to extend it for user-defined types, similarly to the convention used when overloading operator<< for such types.

For example, given the simple complex type, instead of defining the formatting in every place where the objects are printed out, one can specify formatter for the type and use it without any hassle.

#include <fmt/format.h>

struct complex
  double a;
  double b;

struct fmt::formatter<complex>
  template<typename ParseContext>
  constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& ctx);

  template<typename FormatContext>
  auto format(complex const& number, FormatContext& ctx);

int main()
  complex number{1, 2};
  fmt::print("The number is {0}+i{1}.\n", number.a, number.b);
  fmt::print("The number is {}.\n", number);

User must specialize the formatter<T> struct template in fmt namespace with implementations of parse and format functions. Provided the user wants to match the result of both lines, those two methods can be implemented as follows:

template<typename ParseContext>
constexpr auto fmt::formatter<complex>::parse(ParseContext& ctx)
  return ctx.begin();

template<typename FormatContext>
auto fmt::formatter<complex>::format(complex const& number, FormatContext& ctx)
  return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{0}+i{1}", number.a, number.b);

parse assumes no formatting is specified for the type, and format outputs the variable in hard-coded formatting. In case of an error, exception will be thrown, with mostly unhelpful message, like “unknown format specifier”.

Specifying formatting for user-defined types

What if we want to allow the user to specify formatting for printed-out fields?

Let’s look into another example. First of all, let me introduce the type.

struct roman
  explicit roman(unsigned v) : value(v)
    if (value == 0)
      throw std::runtime_error("0 cannot be represented");
    if (value > 3999)
      throw std::runtime_error("Roman value cannot exceed 3999");

  unsigned const value;

It’s just a simple wrapper claiming to represent some Roman numeral. But how does it fit our use case?

We might assume user would like to print out such numerals both in decimal form and in string-like representation commonly associated with Roman numeric system. Then, we would like to be able to execute following program without errors:

int main()
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < 4000; ++i)
    fmt::print("{0:d} = {0:r}\n", roman{i});

Moreover, it would be useful to allow specifying underlying formatting for string and decimal representations — then, our testing program can take form as follows.

int main()
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < 4000; ++i)
    fmt::print("{0:d>4} = {0:r.>16}\n", roman{i});

The first character after the : defines representation that should be used and all that follows should be interpreted as underlying formatting. We will also assume {0} defaults to Roman representation but without the possibility to specify the underlying formatting to make the code simpler.

As previously, we have to specify specialization of fmt::formatter class and implement two methods. This time, we will delegate parse and format calls to formatters of std::string_view or unsigned, depending on the formatting specified. The formatters will be members of the structure, and, because it is either one of them but never both nor none that is being used, we will utilize std::variant for this. Interface of the formatter can be now specified.

struct fmt::formatter<roman>
  using unsigned_fmt = fmt::formatter<unsigned>;
  using string_view_fmt = fmt::formatter<std::string_view>;
  using underlying_formatter_type = std::variant<string_view_fmt, unsigned_fmt>;

  template<typename ParseContext>
  constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& ctx);

  template<typename FormatContext>
  auto format(roman const& number, FormatContext& ctx);

  underlying_formatter_type underlying_formatter;

Let’s look more closely at the parse implementation first. All it needs to do is to determine which formatter should be used and forward the call to parse.

template<typename ParseContext>
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& ctx)
  auto fmt_end = std::find(ctx.begin(), ctx.end(), '}');
  if (fmt_end != ctx.begin())
    char representation = *ctx.begin();
    if (representation == 'd')
      underlying_formatter = unsigned_fmt{};
    else if (representation != 'r')
      throw fmt::format_error("invalid roman representation");


  return std::visit([&](auto& fmt) { return fmt.parse(ctx); }, underlying_formatter);

Let’s analyze the behavior with an example. Given we want to print a Roman number with fmt::print("{0:r>16} is the number {0:d}", roman_number), two formatter<roman> instances will be created and parse function will be called twice. First time, the input to the function will be a context with begin pointing to the string of r>16} is the number {0:d}. The second time — d}. Part specifying the position is being consumed by the fmt library itself. Then, user must parse the rest of the string and make sure the context is left in a valid state for any other formatters to use. In this example, in both cases we must make sure context is advanced to the } character.

However, all the function is doing is to determine if user asked for roman or numeric representation and call ctx.advance_to pointing to the second character. We will consume only the first char, leaving the rest intact. Finally, we forward the context to parse of the underlying formatter, taking care of the rest of format string.

std::variant constructs with the first type specified by default so all the parse is required to do is to overwrite the value in case decimal representation is specified or throw an exception when erroneous formatting is found.

Next, format.

template<typename FormatContext>
auto format(roman const& number, FormatContext& ctx)
  return std::visit(formatting_visitor<FormatContext>{number, ctx}, underlying_formatter);

We just forward the call to visitor:

namespace romans {
struct numeral
  char repr[3];
  unsigned value;

constexpr std::array<numeral, 13> numerals = {{
    {"M", 1000}, {"CM", 900}, {"D", 500}, {"CD", 400},
    {"C", 100}, {"XC", 90}, {"L", 50}, {"XL", 40},
    {"X", 10}, {"IX", 9}, {"V", 5}, {"IV", 4}, {"I", 1}
}  // namespace romans

template<typename FormatContext>
struct formatting_visitor
  formatting_visitor(roman const& number, FormatContext& ctx) : number(number), ctx(ctx)

  void operator()(string_view_fmt& f) const
    unsigned value = number.value;
    std::string buffer;

    buffer.reserve(16);  // romans are no longer that 15 chars
    for (auto const& [repr, v] : romans::numerals)
      while (value >= v)
        value -= v;

    ctx.advance_to(f.format(buffer, ctx));

  void operator()(unsigned_fmt& f) const
    ctx.advance_to(f.format(number.value, ctx));

  roman const& number;
  FormatContext& ctx;

In both possible cases, the function calls underlying format with value to be printed out and context as arguments. Then, the output iterator must be adjusted, so advance_to is called with the result. Similarly, our format returns ctx.out(). In case of decimal representation, we can simply extract the value from number; for Roman representation, we execute conversion algorithm and that’s why we even need the struct instead of simpler lambda.

Finally, we can check the results.

   1 = ...............I
   2 = ..............II
3998 = .....MMMCMXCVIII
3999 = .......MMMCMXCIX

It seems everything worked as expected. If you are interested in the full source code of the example, you can find it and play with it on the Wandbox.


{fmt} is a neat library, easy to use from user perspective, and providing syntax that is new for C++ but already established in other programming languages. Perhaps it is a bit more demanding when formatting for custom type is to be specified but it should be a rare case to build complex formatting outside of the standard library.

It has a lot more to offer than was described in this post. It claims to be faster than alternatives both in compile and run times, without bloating application code, too.

It also supports formatting time and date, std::chrono types (it is already proposed for merge into the standard), and more. Check out the official documentation for details. Even though not everything is going to be merged into the standard, I’m still happy to see std::format in the next edition of C++, probably even in c++20.

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