[Wojtek Gumuła]

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The other missing pointer type – object_ptr<T>

2019-09-23 (10 minutes to read)

There are three smart pointers in std already: unique_ptr, shared_ptr and weak_ptr. A couple of years ago article was published, presenting value_ptr 1, aka. the missing smart pointer. Here I would like discuss the other (sort of still) missing (not so) smart pointer – observer_ptr.

What is observer_ptr<T>?

observer_ptr is a recent addition to c++ ecosystem – it was appended into Library Fundamentals TS in its second version. It means that if you would like to use it in your code, you are bound to the std::experimental namespace for some time, until, or if, it is going to be merged into the standard.

The purpose of observer_ptr is to provide:

a near drop-in replacement for raw pointer types, with the advantage that, as a vocabulary type, it indicates its intended use without need for detailed analysis by code readers. 2

Here is the thing – I think it is not really a drop-in replacement for raw pointers; and its vocabulary type is confusing and does not indicate its intend clearly. But we will get back to that.

The idea behind observer_ptr is to provide an interface that indicates the pointer that is being passed is considered read-only (pointer, not the object itself) and there will be no intention of extending the underlying object lifetime or stealing its ownership. If you use std::shared_ptr<Something> const& in the function parameter list, you can use observer_ptr<Something> instead.

Why not simply use Something* then? You could but you probably shouldn’t. Raw pointers inject many quirks into the code – can be incremented and decremented, compared using <, converted into void*, casted. Additionally, those open up new questions, most importantly: “who owns the object?”.

When using observer_ptr, you are safe from the quirks. You get type safety, no silly ptr++ and (void*) ptr. Unless you do ptr.get(), you should be good.

However, observer_ptr have some quirks on its own. Let’s try using it to show them all in context.

#include <experimental/memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct Resource
  int value = 42;

std::unique_ptr<Resource> create_resource()
  return std::make_unique<Resource>();

void use_resource(std::unique_ptr<Resource> const& resource)
  std::cout << "value=" << resource->value << std::endl;

void observe_resource(std::experimental::observer_ptr<Resource> resource)
  std::cout << "value=" << resource->value << std::endl;

int main()
  auto res = create_resource();

When I first learned about observer_ptr and tried to use it, I ended up writing similar code and started thinking: but… why would you do that…?.

I really don’t like std::experimental::make_observer(resource.get()) to create the wrapper for the pointer. It should be as easy as make_observer(resource), at worst. At best it should have implicit conversions from all smart pointers (I would consider a smart pointer as some type that provides operator->, operator*, and possibly get().) and raw pointer of given type. It shouldn’t have release() member method, which, in smart pointer context, is related to releasing the ownership of the object. observer_ptr does not own anything.

On top of that, it requires a better name. observer implies relation to the Observer pattern, while, in fact, has nothing to do with it. I’m somewhere between ptr_view<T> (Just like the string_view.) and ptr<T> (It’s just a pointer, man.) myself. But there are more ideas. A lot more.

Different people have different concerns regarding the design of the type. For example, there is that one paper named Abandon observer_ptr.

A new hope

All in all, we can do better than that. Actually, we already do. There are 3rd-party implementations available, like this one from Anthony Williams:

I like those changes in design; and it is just one header file so you can copy it into your code base and start using it now. However, even though object_ptr is a better name already, I still prefer to do:

#include <object_ptr.hpp>

namespace project::primary::ns {
template<typename T>
using ptr_view = jss::object_ptr<T>;

I’ll stick to the ptr_view for the rest of the post for clarity sake. With that, our example can become as simple as:

void use_resource(ptr_view<Resource> resource)
  std::cout << "value=" << resource->value << std::endl;

int main()
  auto shared_res = std::make_shared<Resource>();


Constructs implicitly from the smart pointer, can be passed by value – just like the string_view. You can play with the example here.

I just complained about using get() so let us dive into some use cases.

When to use it

ptr_view enables developers to build more readable and generic interfaces, no longer bound to specific pointer type. Most of the time, it does not matter whether the std::shared_ptr<T> or T*, or boost::shared_ptr<T>, or my::better_ptr<T> is being provided by the caller. If all you require is access to the underlying object, dependency on the specific type can be removed. Not only the function is going to end up being more generic but also a lot more readable.

For something(std::shared_ptr<T> const&, ...) –> something(ptr_view<T>, ...) gets rid of the question who owns the object now?.

For something_else(T* const, T* const, ...) –> something_else(ptr_view<T>, ptr_view<T>, ...) you need not to worry if it is range or two objects.

Same applies for std::unique_ptr with custom deleter defined. By default, it is defined as std::default_delete<T> and can be left out of type declarations. However, sometimes it might be necessary to provide dedicated deleter, e.g. for resources that does not follow RAII technique. However, ptr_view does not care about how the object have to be disposed on destruction, thus the deleter info is redundant, simplifying the code even more. Let’s consider following snippet:

struct LoggingDeleter
  template<typename T>
  void operator()(T* p) const
    std::clog << "freeing p=" << p << std::endl;
    delete p;

void use_resource(std::unique_ptr<Resource> const& resource)
  std::cout << "value=" << resource->value << std::endl;

void use_resource(std::unique_ptr<Resource, LoggingDeleter> const& resource)
  std::cout << "value=" << resource->value << std::endl;

int main()
  auto res = std::make_unique<Resource>();
  std::unique_ptr<Resource, LoggingDeleter> debug_resource{new Resource{}, LoggingDeleter{}};


As already mentioned, ptr_view does not care about object destruction, so void use_resource(ptr_view<Resource>) can handle all invocations, like so.

ptr_view behaves also a bit like std::weak_ptr’s dumber friend - but in a good way. Often you can be bound to use std::weak_ptr<T> as a mitigation for possible ownership cycles. However, assuming one of the objects is guaranteed to outlive the other one, it would be sufficient to store non-owning pointer to the longer-living one, like T*. Or, you guessed it, ptr_view<T>.

struct Task;
struct Executor
  void work_until_done();
  void notify_done(ptr_view<Task>);
  void queue(std::shared_ptr<Task>);

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Task>> _tasks;

struct Task
  explicit Task(ptr_view<Executor> e) : _executor(e) {}

  void notify_done()

  ptr_view<Executor> _executor;

int main()
  auto executor = std::make_unique<Executor>();
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

There is no point in using std::weak_ptr if you are guaranteed the Executor will outlive all the Task objects – and it is quite possible it will be the case in most of the implementations.

Of course, we can get back to the discussion that we can just use Executor* but it will be as less-safe, less-readable and less-explicit compared to vocabulary type like ptr_view.


For ptr_view to be used in as much contexts as possible, the usage itself should be frictionless. Unfortunately, it is not the case yet.

Let us consider some check_resource function that takes pointer to arbitrary resource and verifies if the resource is accessible (!= nullptr, for simplicity).

struct Filesystem

struct Network

template<typename Res>
bool check_resource(ptr_view<Res> resource)
  return resource != nullptr;

int main()
  auto fs = std::make_shared<Filesystem>();
  auto net = std::make_unique<Network>();


Compilation attempt results in following error, plainly stating object_ptr cannot be matched against some arbitrary smart pointers.

prog.cc:24:3: error: no matching function for call to 'check_resource'
prog.cc:14:6: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'object_ptr' against 'shared_ptr'
bool check_resource(ptr_view<Res> resource)
prog.cc:25:3: error: no matching function for call to 'check_resource'
prog.cc:14:6: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'object_ptr' against 'unique_ptr'
bool check_resource(ptr_view<Res> resource)
2 errors generated."

CTAD3 and user-defined deduction guides could help there but, well, those are for classes only. There was a paper to allow deduction guides for functions – I don’t know what feedback it received though.

For now, we can avoid such issues with either specifying underlying element_type:


or with intermediate function step, accepting anything and forwarding only those types that are convertible to ptr_view:

template<typename ResPtr>
bool check_resource(ResPtr const& resource)
  return impl::check_resource<typename std::pointer_traits<ResPtr>::element_type>(resource);

While not perfect, both implementations manage to do the job and result in sort-of-readable compiler errors when misused. Check out the full example there.


One possible extension of the non-owning pointer could be a valid_ptr, that is pointing to some existing object, and never to the nullptr. It is quite simple to implement on top of the jss::object_ptr class, all that is required to add is some initial checks in the constructors.

explicit valid_ptr(T* ptr) : _ptr(ptr)

That immediately leads to a discussion what should be done in case ptr == nullptr. assert_valid() can throw exception on invalid pointer or truly assert that condition and terminate on fail. That would be a question for a long and, probably, unsettlementable discussion.

However, such design might lead to assumptions that the pointer is always valid, while, in fact, it is just as dumb as ptr_view. It is impossible to guarantee validity without the ownership. And it is the caller role to do so.

With that in mind, valid_ptr becomes more of a implicit null-check of the argument provided. Maybe it is worth it but there might a better ideas how to solve the parameter nullability problem.


As of today, I’m sort of in the Almost Always ptr_view team. It’s just more fit for the use case than shared_ptr<T> const& and T*.

I hope we get it merged into the standard someday; however, if I am to use it in most contexts, it really should get a better (pronounced – shorter) name – I feel like 6-8 characters is the most I can invest to use it myself. Any more and the code readability will suffer. CTAD for functions would be fun, too.

I’m sticking to 3rd-party implementation, for now.

  1. value_ptr — The Missing C++ Smart-pointer 

  2. std::experimental::observer_ptr 

  3. Class template argument deduction 

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Additional resources

  1. Prebuttal for Standardizing observer_ptr